DVD Logo

Sean Wong min read

Interactive Boucning DVD Logo Simulator

Project Overview:

This project features an engaging and nostalgic animation of the classic DVD logo bouncing off the edges of the screen. The animation mimics the familiar screen saver effect, where the logo moves continuously, changing direction and color upon colliding with the screen boundaries.

How to Use:

A DVD logo will be randomly generated, but you can press any key and click to send a new DVD logo in the direction of your cursor.

Key Features:

  • Realistic Motion: The logo moves smoothly and changes direction with realistic physics upon hitting the screen edges.
  • Dynamic Interaction: Each collision triggers a visually appealing reaction, enhancing the overall viewer experience.
  • Nostalgic Appeal: Captures the essence of the iconic DVD logo screensaver, evoking a sense of nostalgia.
  • Optimized Performance: The animation runs seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience.

Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Libraries/Frameworks: Canvas API for rendering graphics
  • Additional Tools: Code editor (e.g., VSCode), browser for testing

Project Highlights:

  • Demonstrates proficiency in animation and collision detection algorithms.
  • Showcases ability to create visually engaging and interactive content.
  • Illustrates skills in optimizing web-based animations for performance and compatibility.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Can be used as an engaging screensaver or as a fun interactive element on websites.
  • Serves as an excellent demonstration of fundamental programming concepts in a visually appealing format.